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The Last Nightthe sky was painted black and grey, the wind blew eerily on that day,
flock of white doves that normally fly, stayed hidden awaywhile a soldier looked up towards the sky-
with lifted hands
cried toward the heavens-‘why?’looking up,
the earthquake shook
the city, rumbling of thunder like the growling of a lion
assuaging his hunger;while women looked on with tearful eyes,
best buddy holds
his mother tight, his head bowed low,
in silent death;the execution
that would lay his soul to rest;the traitor’s kiss the fearful lies,
the jogging away,
the excellent betray;the scales of justice,
tip towards your side
as hope began anew that night;the wave washes clean-
prints in the sand;
the eraser cleans the table, with the teacher’s hand;the top that’s torn
is mended like new;
the blood-stained dress,
is washed through and through,
white and clean
as the morning dew;the hit in the face the agony,
the crack of the whip,
the bloody knees,
the shame and spit, and rip of flesh,
the imminent death
the ultimate breath;carrying the weight of the world to the most effective of a hill
tortured steps,
day-time – seems to stand still;
Of Struggle and Conflict – Jerusalembloodied back
the morning’s tough chill, integrity of love
unselfishly willed;purple coat
and crown of thorns, rolling down his beard,
a drop of blood;a silent reminder
of the coming day, and it drops
to the dirty ground beside his sandaled feet;the love of truth,
the washing of hands, the sleepless night,
light of dawn’s emerging sands;in silence- eyes focused straight towards the sky,
while birds fly by,
and women cry;while nails poised to pierce
hands and feet,
a gasp of pain
with the angels’ accompanying grief;while tortured nails
of the greatest testwere abruptly driven
through his poised, taut flesh;’forgive them please,’
he was observed to say-
that eventful day
he lifted his eyes and silently
while on the stake;’You will be with me
in paradise’s embrace’
he offered a man
through his tortured face a man that deserved it not
yet the promise
will perhaps not be ignored, foreverwhile spring’s new moon
traveled onward
through space
to light up the night time world in yet another place that knew not
what got place;the stab of a spear
into the medial side of a man, while blood spilled out
like tears,
on the ground it lay;the price built on that day, like a debt
that was finally paid,
or the purchase to free -a hostage slave;’Why have you left me?’
in tortured pain,
with eyes looking upward towards heaven
body writhing in shame;the broken body
of an useless dove, put upon a stake-
a fair exchange
for an awful mistake;’I will carry your problems if you believe,
to waters of lifeI will to you-lead,’
is what he said
two-thousand decades atras,
before his death;and on leaves of life-giving bushes, for a thousand years,
you will feed
an account of misfortune, triumph,
of millenniums’ plan
skillfully weaved.End of PoemThe Last Night About Pictures of Jesus‘ last hours on earth and death. One interesting fact about Pictures of Jesus‘ death is that in accordance with Biblical students, Pictures of Jesus most likely died on the simple share, rather than a two-pieced cross. The original Greek words usually translated ‘cross,’ originally intended a stake, or upright pole, as used in Jesus’ day, and the form of execution used in Roman times was a stake. The cross was a pagan symbol which later became part of Christianity, describes Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. The composition is dependant on the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

This, naturally, takes nothing away for the supreme act of love that Jesus Christ produced in behalf of the others, in that he willing gave up his life to pay for the sing of mankind and give those who consider chance for everlasting life, in line with the Bible. Jesus claimed, ‘For God loved the world so much, that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him, mightn’t be destroyed, but have everlasting life.’ Jesus said, also, ‘No man has greater love than this, that he must surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.’When Jesus had been completed, he prayed to God, ‘Father forgive them, for they do not know very well what they are doing.’ Jesus had taught his followers to pray for their enemies, and bless those who find themselves persecuting you, and he practiced what he himself preached.He continued to think, not of himself, but of others as he was being executed. He said to the girl who have been crying as he had been generated Golgotha, ‘Cry perhaps not for me but for yourselves, because.

..’ Jesus knew the tests that have been ahead for a few of these women.He asked his closest disciple John, from the torture stake to take his mother into his house, ‘Look your mother.’ And to Mary his mother he said, ‘Look your son.’ He said this whilst he was in his last hours of life. And before he died, he blessed the sincere and repentant evildoer who had been being executed alongside him, ‘Undoubtedly I tell you today, You will be with me in paradise.

‘Could anyone have constructed this type of high ethos? This kind of story of the best amount of self-sacrifice that’s ever been discussed a real historical individual? It seems very unlikely that anyone might have cleverly crafted this type of story. Jesus Christ was a real part of history, and the very fact remains, that no man has left as large a footprint on the planet earth, than this simple father and ministry, Jesus Christ, although some doubt some of the important points of his life and death. He was the greatest man who actually lived, and the Bible says he was resurrected to God’s right hand, where he was employed by God as King and Judge of all earth. He’s our Savior, He is our Redeemer. He is the Son of God. He’s our Lord.

Back when I was in senior high school (pun intended!) this is the kind of stunt you laughed constantly about, but after you got caught, you apologized, acknowledged your punishment, and that was the end of it. But in these times, when a student’s juvenile exuberance leads him to show a banner that cracks up his cohorts but humiliates the senior high school administrators, he instead sues all the method to the Supreme Court over his suspension.

The time was January 2002, and the occasion was the passing of the Olympic Torch through that snowy Alaskan town of Juneau. Of course, Joseph Frederick, the defendant in cases like this, was warned that any inappropriate behavior if the torch passed by (and the National advertising showed their town’s high school to the world) would not be tolerated, but apparently the chance was too-good for jokester Joe to pass up. For because the cameras whirled and the flashlight paraded at night high-school (with all the dutiful students standing outside), Frederick and the guys unfurled a fourteen-foot banner on national television which read ‘Bong Hits 4 Pictures of Jesus.’ Juneau Senior School Principal Deborah Morse angrily confiscated the indication and suspended Frederick for ten days for ‘advocating unlawful drug use,’ or even completely idiocracy. However the kicker arrived when Frederick (who stated he was just having fun) introduced the case to court to the guise Juneau High violated his right to freedom of speech.Well boys and girls, five decades have passed, which should mean the Supreme Court is currently about to hear this case of high school hi-jinx; Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg certainly reveals her age when she says .’.

. it is unclear that this [means] ‘smoke pot.” Justice Stephen Breyer is unquestionably closer to the middle along with his comment, ‘If kids go around having banners creating a joke out of drug use, that truly makes it tougher for me personally to tell individuals… not to use drugs,’ but I believe it is Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. who certainly hits the nail on the top, or the pot in the pipe as the situation may possibly be.

‘There’s a bigger issue,’ states Roberts, ‘of whether principals or teachers… Need to fear that they are going to spend of their personal pockets whenever they take actions pursuant to established policies.’It just so happens that (sadly) I am now somewhat of a specialist on both sides of the problem. In high-school, I not merely smoked marijuana, but my poetry ‘Stoned’ was every bit the anthem in my Midwestern 70s city that Dylan’s ballad ‘Everyone Must Get Stoned’ was in its 60s hey-day. But I’ve perhaps not partaken in container in a fraction of a century and, for Pictures of Jesus, ‘the medication of immortality’–the daily Eucharist–has replaced marijuana as my drug of choice.

I still chuckle sometimes at Cheech & Chong movies and sometimes still perhaps read ‘Stoned’ (which still gets the most laughs of anything I have prepared before or since) but ONLY in reference to my later poems including ‘The Convert’ or ‘The Endless River and the Timeless Tree’ to show that my entire life, like that of the other Augustine’s, has changed from careless childhood to pursuit of Truth.The actually funny (this time, ‘funny’ as in ‘interesting ‘) point about this case is that, in the ensuing five years since the case began, Joseph Frederick has turn into a instructor (in China, no less!) himself. Of course, Joe hasn’t, like myself, had the double lesson/blessing of being fully a father AND teacher, or has he had as much years of experience. But, granted all that (and allowing for the fact the Chinese children may be a touch more respectful of authority), I’m still shocked ol’ ‘Bong Hit’ Joe has not yet realized the necessity for student restraint. Ideally the Supreme Court will get this one right, but when they do not, this former stoner may individually take a slow vessel (packed with loads of silly-druggie banners) to China, search for Mr. Frederick’s classroom, and try to convince him myself.

When was Pictures of Jesus Born?For decades people have speculated concerning the correct birth-date of Pictures of Jesus. Different hypotheses have now been advanced to describe the account given in the Bible, but dilemmas dog all the hypotheses mooted to date. The thought of a star that moves over the sky while totally out of action with the rest of the stars can not be recognized from the clinical perspective; and naturally this argument apples to comets as well. But a brand new theory has been advanced that explains the Bible version and has scientific credibility. Interestingly it also is sensible astrologically.Scientist Theorizes around the Birth Date of Pictures of Jesus ChristHistorians have long known there is up to and including 4-year difference regarding the birth of Jesus. The very best estimate has always placed it somewhere between 1 and 4 BC. Australian Astronomer and news editor of Sky and Space publication, Dave Reneke, believes he has solved the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem. He computed that Venus, also known as the Evening Star, shared the same little bit of night air with Jupiter on 17 June 2 BC. That meant that people considering the Evening Star found a ‘star’ that moved slowly during the night air and shone more glaringly than anything normally seen. These facts match the Bible’s edition of events.What did the Magi Expect?The Magi (commonly known as the three intelligent men) had access to the substantial knowledge that might have permitted them to anticipate this potent alignment of planets. Also they’d have set out to a location where its astrological impression would be greatest.Astrologically known and recognized the significance of this extremely positive conjunction, and even, this mixture of planets indicates the top of chance, success and higher values. The astrologers of the day acknowledged these connotations of these planets; and they’re still the exact same today. As this combination occurred in the sign of Leo they would inevitably expect a child born that day to develop into a singularly positive leader.Is this the Horoscope of a Spiritual Teacher?The planet Uranus represents significant groups of people and there is a positive relationship (trine) with the spirituality of Neptune. Also sunlight is in Gemini suggesting a good communicator and educator. Mostly though, the connection that Mercury has with Uranus and Neptune implies an individual that’s the ability to speak ideas to the masses.Will there be Trouble Ahead?Trouble does occur when planets struggle with one another. This can be described by planets having a 90 or 180-degree angle between them (respectively named a square and opposition). The Sun clearly conflicts with Uranus, which suggests harm may come from categories of people. Also, the Sun clashes with Pluto suggesting political or beliefs-based (Pluto) struggle with the person (Sun ).Is this the Horoscope of Jesus?Scientifically the case is apparently the best available that explains the Bible story of the birth of Jesus. Astrologically an instance could plainly be manufactured that aligns with the individual we all know as Jesus. Interestingly relating Chinese Astrology this implies Jesus was created within the year of the Sheep and the characteristics associated with the Sheep will be the most consistent with the character of Jesus of all Chinese Astrology signs.It should really be noted though that a similar occasion with Venus and Jupiter happened on 12 August 3 BC. That horoscope suggests a healer and someone high beliefs too. Both horoscopes are very effective while for my part I lean towards the first day as being fully a ‘better fit’ in terms of history, astrology and astronomy.What perhaps is of sustained note is the fact that during this time period in history there have been lots of people known widely for having vast skills as healers. Astrologically the environment was ready for such individuals to enter the world stage.Ultimately it is up to each of us to decide if your date aside from Christmas makes more sense of the profound historic event that was the birth of Jesus Christ.

Pictures of Jesus said ‘damage this temple and I’ll build it-up in three times’ while Henry Ford said when he dropped everything he owned, he’ll rebuild his prosperity in five years. Pictures of Jesus built one of the greatest beliefs that have ever existed on the planet earth while Henry honda built one of the greatest automobile manufacturing companies in the world.Both of these were assured that if you took away everything tangible they owned, in just a short period of time they’d re-acquire far more than they owned before, starting with nothing. So what is it about those two men that made them so confident of the self engineered turn-around if they ever encountered a total lack of their wealth?That secret is what great men have useful to engineer a massive recovery after being given a blow that damaged everything they possessed. That component is found in the lives of men like Donald Trump, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln and more than anything else in the Jewish nation. Every one of these people lost what they’d and when everyone thought it absolutely was around for them, after again.

That factor is encoded in what Jesus went about doing throughout his ministry they re-emerged and dominated their sphere of influence. It is recorded almost all the full time he went about teaching. That Factor has only been stated however it continues to be hidden to the majority of people. It’s called Knowledge. All the men that came back after having a good drop, had it in keeping. It generally does not matter where you place them. Within a period of time, they will transform their invincible knowledge into tangible wealth.

Some people will wonder why they too are not wealthy despite the knowledge they have been obtaining. The significant huge difference is the fact that many people have been getting data, thinking it is understanding. They’re going to school, learn a lot but can not seem to get ahead in life. They fail to recognize that what they have is simply information which they use to earn their daily bread.Great guys get information, examine it, approach it and apply it in a given situation. They then check the effect they got from the applying, add more info from other areas and recheck the out production. When they are content with the result they get, they keep up the process by which they got that result.

If afterward you come and remove their accumulated results and keep them at ground zero, they will merely reopen their data bank reactivate the methods that got them the results in the first-place and within a short period start getting the same results again.They also will review what caused them to reduce their accumulated results, add the data for their data bank and thus have more understanding of just how to stop it from happening again.Henry Ford may loss his company but he will remember the processes of creating cars. He’ll keep in mind the effect of setting goals, sound financial management, effect of dealing with a team and the value of networking. Leave him to begin with nothing, he’ll merely enter his archives, retrieve these data and duplicate the results he’d before.So to be successful and good in life don’t seek information somewhat, seek wisdom, information and understanding.

If we’re to get the Bible’s Nativity story at face value, anyone searching for, or even dare to inquire about the probability of Jesus’ human father, is instantly stopped short in his track.That Jesus was conceived and created miraculously by a virgin prevents any research to a sudden halt.It is simply crazy to have thought of the thought of investigating it in the first place.But does one notice that this time makes ineffective the tracing of His lineage that Luke and Matthew meticulously wrote?Why would these Gospel writers elaborate generation by generation, ‘who gave birth to whom’ or ‘who’d begotten whom’ if they would only contradict themselves by their account of Jesus’ birth as being miraculous – that the ‘seed’ that became Jesus in the womb of a virgin was not of human origin but immediately to that of God, popping out of nowhere and impregnating Mary’s womb?If Mary conceived instantaneously the very moment of the angel’s announcement that she would mother a young child to be named Jesus, then, there was no seed involved at all, nothing traceable to link Jesus to any of His historically famous forefathers – David and Abraham.But the Bible is specific to identify Him as the ‘seed’ of Abraham.I do not feel that the Gospel writers contradicted themselves. That they wrote in codes, is, perhaps, a much better explanation.Scholars may look at their documents in its whole, assess the framework or examine below or in between the lines, hang upside down from a parallel bar like Richard Gere as does Dan Brown, (and meditate and pray while in the process of this, if they’re of the devoted kind…) or do whatever… There ought to be an explanation.And here’s something worth considering:If we read the Genealogy of Jesus, (Matt.1:18), generation by generation as it was published elaborately tracing Jesus’ lineage, following the enumeration of ‘who was fathered by whom’, and counting the number of generations, what immediately follows tells us how Jesus was born:’This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah arrived about: His mother Mary was… ( New International Version )’Now the delivery of Jesus Christ was with this wise: When as his mother Mary was…’ (King James )’Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been…’ (New American Standard Bible )This verse quickly introduces the tale of the Nativity, right after the painstakingly laborious listings of who was fathered by whom.And we can only commence to appreciate this verse if we examine Jesus’ genealogy as sincerely and prayerfully as the gospel writers who wrote it.Jesus’ birth can be recognized by this – he was born in the same manner as anybody of these in the list. He should have already been ‘fathered’ by ‘someone’ who was fathered by someone.Jesus was Born of God?Yes, my devoted feelings tell me so; and so was Adam, the very first Son of God – and so should everyone be, ideally… however, going through a process of procreation that god Himself has put in place.