When was Pictures of Jesus Born?For decades people have speculated concerning the correct birth-date of Pictures of Jesus. Different hypotheses have now been advanced to describe the account given in the Bible, but dilemmas dog all the hypotheses mooted to date. The thought of a star that moves over the sky while totally out of action with the rest of the stars can not be recognized from the clinical perspective; and naturally this argument apples to comets as well. But a brand new theory has been advanced that explains the Bible version and has scientific credibility. Interestingly it also is sensible astrologically.Scientist Theorizes around the Birth Date of Pictures of Jesus ChristHistorians have long known there is up to and including 4-year difference regarding the birth of Jesus. The very best estimate has always placed it somewhere between 1 and 4 BC. Australian Astronomer and news editor of Sky and Space publication, Dave Reneke, believes he has solved the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem. He computed that Venus, also known as the Evening Star, shared the same little bit of night air with Jupiter on 17 June 2 BC. That meant that people considering the Evening Star found a ‘star’ that moved slowly during the night air and shone more glaringly than anything normally seen. These facts match the Bible’s edition of events.What did the Magi Expect?The Magi (commonly known as the three intelligent men) had access to the substantial knowledge that might have permitted them to anticipate this potent alignment of planets. Also they’d have set out to a location where its astrological impression would be greatest.Astrologically known and recognized the significance of this extremely positive conjunction, and even, this mixture of planets indicates the top of chance, success and higher values. The astrologers of the day acknowledged these connotations of these planets; and they’re still the exact same today. As this combination occurred in the sign of Leo they would inevitably expect a child born that day to develop into a singularly positive leader.Is this the Horoscope of a Spiritual Teacher?The planet Uranus represents significant groups of people and there is a positive relationship (trine) with the spirituality of Neptune. Also sunlight is in Gemini suggesting a good communicator and educator. Mostly though, the connection that Mercury has with Uranus and Neptune implies an individual that’s the ability to speak ideas to the masses.Will there be Trouble Ahead?Trouble does occur when planets struggle with one another. This can be described by planets having a 90 or 180-degree angle between them (respectively named a square and opposition). The Sun clearly conflicts with Uranus, which suggests harm may come from categories of people. Also, the Sun clashes with Pluto suggesting political or beliefs-based (Pluto) struggle with the person (Sun ).Is this the Horoscope of Jesus?Scientifically the case is apparently the best available that explains the Bible story of the birth of Jesus. Astrologically an instance could plainly be manufactured that aligns with the individual we all know as Jesus. Interestingly relating Chinese Astrology this implies Jesus was created within the year of the Sheep and the characteristics associated with the Sheep will be the most consistent with the character of Jesus of all Chinese Astrology signs.It should really be noted though that a similar occasion with Venus and Jupiter happened on 12 August 3 BC. That horoscope suggests a healer and someone high beliefs too. Both horoscopes are very effective while for my part I lean towards the first day as being fully a ‘better fit’ in terms of history, astrology and astronomy.What perhaps is of sustained note is the fact that during this time period in history there have been lots of people known widely for having vast skills as healers. Astrologically the environment was ready for such individuals to enter the world stage.Ultimately it is up to each of us to decide if your date aside from Christmas makes more sense of the profound historic event that was the birth of Jesus Christ.